When people ask, "how are you liking retirement," i usually answer that I 'like it more than I thought I would.'
I tell them that one of my goals (and I actually wrote this one down early this year) is to paint more on location, plein air, or as Carl Judson calls it, Guerrilla Painting. This Saturday, I have committed to be part of a "paint-out" all day in Banner Elk, NC. I knew that I couldn't just walk up Saturday morning...throw out my stuff and start painting. So, I walked the Banner Elk Greenway looking for subjects. I photographed them. I came home and got my boxes, paints, tripod, umbrella...my Guerrilla stuff ready to go!
Yesterday, I tried a dry run. First stop, a barn in a stand of tall evergreen trees across an open field. I did the set up...took me longer than I thought...and I started to paint. after a few minutes...a looming cloud began to drip and spit...not good for watercolor. A bug or two that I never really saw kept tickling my leg as if to say, "do you mind moving over there...this is my place." Several elderly walkers strolled by, some with their leashed animals, some with their unleashed mates. There were smiles, nods and "hello's" but no one stopped. Good thing.
While I had a few good moments, this was not one of my paintings...it looked like the painting by a young child who had just been handed a brush, some paint and water and told to paint something. It has been a long time since I painted in plein air and the last time was oil. But I did learn a few things from the day...pack lighter (I don't need all of that stuff...too many brushes, for instance)...keep it simple or simplify the subject matter (I only have a few hours on Saturday to try to do several pieces)...paint faster.
So, today, another rehearsal...if I get something I like, I'll share it here tomorrow.