Morning--Taylor Family Farm--Valle Crucis There are some beautiful farms in the mountains of western North Carolina. One of the most prolific agri-businesses is Christmas tree farming...that's right, Christmas trees. They are everywhere! Beautiful mountains slopes are lined, row after row, with Christmas trees. Makes you smile every time you look up. While it may not be their primary farming interest, the Taylor Family Farm shown above, is a cattle farm, it is certainly a strong part of our economy. Last year, my daughter in Birmingham, bought a Christmas tree from Newland, NC.
I tried to capture the morning sun as it filtered through the trees next to the river that flows past the front gate of the old barn. You ask, "so where are the cows in this painting?" Well, I called it "Morning" but it was probably midday for the Taylor's and their bovine. Another wonderful discovery off the beaten path. There are a few more small paintings I hope to finish as I wind down my first full summer at Grandfather Mountain and head back to Naples for my first full winter in Florida. Wonder what new discoveries are waitin |