This little white church is on a road into Boone, NC from Mountain City. It sits off the road a bit, about a hundred yards from a nice brick home, something the old Baptist Church where I grew up used to call the "parsonage." I was on another of my "lost" rides through Valle Crucis, off the main roads, when I looked at my watch and thought I should be heading home. I took the back road into Boone away from the university traffic, and there she stood. No telling how old the old clapboard beauty with the tin roof is, but she caught my eye.
The more I looked at my photos...I thought it should be painted as a night scene. In the middle of the night during that giant moon we had last month, I woke up to the bright white light up...went to the window in my bedroom and saw moon shadows...just like Cat Stevens saw in Spain where he was inspired to write his masterpiece. He said that growing up in London, he had never seen a clear moon like the one in clear that he saw his own shadow cast in front of him.
The second verse:
"And if I ever lose my eyes
If my colors all run dry
Yes, if I ever lose my eyes
Oh, if--I won't have to cry no more."
It is good to be a painter...enjoy!